Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Language Barrier - Zhuhai, China

So I speak English and only English. I'm used to not knowing the local language, but I had a meeting today which just blew me out of the water. The chinese guys there kept speaking in chinese amongst themselves and the Quebecers that I work with kept speaking in french amongst them selves. So there I was caught in the middle, knowing a language common to everyone in the room, but understanding not a word that was said.

Now, the Quebecios from my company always speak french unless talking directly to me, which is annoying. But then one of them told me how she thought the Chinese were really rude that they tend to speak chinese amongst each other right in front of them. I responded saying that I am quite used to it (I deal with them more than anyone as well). Then I told her that it is funny, but when they read our manuals, they sound them out in english, so I end up understanding more of what they are saying than what my own team is saying. I think she got the hint.

It would be nice to learn another language, and I am trying with French. But it is also hard to just learn one more language. I mean right now I am caught between french and chinese, which do I choose? Well I live in Quebec now so I will choose french, but I spend the majority of my day talking to chinese people, so shouldn't I learn that too? But how can I attempt to learn a third language when I can't even speak a second? Ahhhhh, frustrations!

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